socoto - Clarity in marketing creates space for efficiency and security


Clarity in marketing creates room for efficiency and security

Powerful functions for standardizing, optimizing and securing your marketing campaigns

Your marketing perfectly organized

The socoto-portal is your central hub that seamlessly integrates all aspects of your marketing, from stakeholders, assets and workflows to information and reporting. socoto supports you in every phase of your marketing campaigns – from planning and budgeting to execution and analysis.

From careful planning and budgeting to effective implementation and precise analysis. The numerous functions of our system ensure a structured and process-oriented organization of your marketing.

Contact us now

  • Individual media planning for every location
  • AI-driven marketing management
  • Individual adaptation to customer needs
  • Collaborative project management on one platform
  • Consolidation and evaluation of all relevant data
  • Real-time reporting via budget
  • CI-compliant, user-friendly and multilingual interfaces
  • Integration with fulfillment partners
  • Role-based access rights for all marketing stakeholders
  • Modular booking options
  • Seamless integration of existing systems
  • Intelligent entry and search options

Maximize your marketing activities with socoto

Socoto - Icon - Omnichannel strategies

Omnichannel strategies

Design cross-channel, automated customer journeys!

Socoto - Icon - Central data update

Central data update

Change once, update everywhere. Automated data adjustments.

Socoto - Icon - Traceable processes

Traceable processes

Marketing processes made transparent through structured, documented approvals.

Socoto - Icon - Transparency & Overview

Transparency & overview

Increase your ROI through clear structures, consistent data collection and clear dashboards

Socoto - Icon - Single Source of Truth

Single Source of Truth

Standardize information with a central data source for simplified decision-making.

Socoto - Icon - Intuitive operation

Intuitive operation

Even marketing newcomers can implement successful marketing with simple operation and visualized data.

Socoto - Icon - Unified platform

Standardized platform

Everything in one place – head office, retail partners and agencies.

Socoto - Icon - Customizable dashboards

Customizable dashboards

Customizable, for detailed analysis of campaigns and sales figures.

Socoto - Icon - Reliable support

Reliable support

Support from the socoto team and regular training, online and offline.

Socoto - Icon - Security & Compliance

Security & Compliance

Individual access rights, CI conformity and highly secure servers in Germany.

Get in touch here and ask your questions about optimizing your marketing performance!

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