
Save costs thanks to Master Templates

Our automation is budget-friendly

Creating and customising advertising material templates one by one with a layout program is a thing of the past. Especially in times of staff shortages, such procedures tie up too much manpower and are far too expensive. Our system enables the creation and customisation of advertising material templates simultaneously and in no time at all, because it works with Master Templates.

Master Templates contain predefined design elements, text modules or formatting that can be reused in multiple documents or applications. These Master Templates provide the basic framework for design and structure and ensure that branding elements such as logos and colour palettes remain consistent. And they have another major advantage: they save a huge amount of time and money!

One template for any number of advertising material templates

An example: let’s assume a major brand is planning a campaign for a new product. Then the marketing department usually juggles with numerous advertising materials, has templates created and customised, clarifies queries and possibly also special requests with local retailers. The support required is enormous and sometimes the costs of this approach often remain unclear until the very end. Not so with Master Templates, where there are only one-off costs for creation and the templates can be reused for any number of advertising material templates, even for completely different products. The reason: the content is separate from the layout, which means that the customisation options are extremely wide-ranging. For example, templates created once can be used for image campaigns as well as for product advertising or current sales promotions.

Minimum effort, reduced advertising costs

For marketers, this means enormous cost savings because many of our customers are corporations that realise a five-digit number of advertising materials for their campaigns every month. Instead of having new advertising material templates created each time, with us they only have a few Master Templates in use that they can reuse for all campaigns, with little effort and a system that is self-explanatory for the local retailers who customise the templates. In this way, extremely high advertising budgets can be reduced to one-off costs for the socoto MMS and the creation of the Master Templates. The economies of scale are huge, as the more complex the company structure and the more advertising material is created from a template, the more cost-effective automated marketing obviously becomes.

Self-creation is also possible

One option is that the company orders the templates from us and uses them to create its own advertising material templates, which the retailers then customise. The other option is for the company to create the templates itself using our system. We offer our own training courses for this. In both cases, we work with transparent cost breakdowns and make all marketing campaigns precisely plannable. How do we get there? We listen carefully to our customers and evaluate what they need to get started, for further expansion and for their long-term automation plans. We are delighted with our customers when they save enormous sums of money, for example in the case of a CI changeover, because they do not have to adapt thousands of advertising materials, but only a manageable number of templates and their content modules.

Are you wondering how your company could save costs with our system? Give us a call, we will be happy to advise you!

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    * Pflichtfelder