
Process harmonisation in retail marketing

What is behind this key term?

Setting up a local campaign for your own retail business is not always easy, especially for people who don’t deal with marketing on a daily basis. Different advertising media with different modes of action, various booking units and booking options, who can still find their way around? This is exactly where our retail marketing system comes in: it works with process harmonisation.

Process harmonisation is an important key concept in our work. By harmonising complex processes and data volumes, users can operate our system easily and intuitively as well as control and analyse even the most complicated local campaigns. And this is how it works:

Our Marketing Management System bundles lots of data, defines workflows and harmonises everything. Firstly the detailed specifics regarding advertising media, occupancy and booking, and secondly all marketing-relevant information for a campaign, such as target group, core message or publication period. Advertising cost subsidies can also be integrated here. Our system brings all these technical, organisation and marketing-relevant parameters together and presents them in such a way that even those with no marketing experience can quickly recognise the connections and work steps.

Interlocking offline and online advertising media

The harmonisation process also includes the optimal interlocking of offline and online advertising media. Our MMS combines the publication dates of booked daily newspaper editions with the duration of a Google AdWords campaign, supports geotargeting for billboards as well as the control of Facebook ads and displays the available budgets.

Enhanced usability and evaluation options

An optimal harmonisation of processes has a decisive impact on usability. Processes for the individualisation of advertising media are kept as identical as possible, individualised data records such as local offers or contact persons are stored in such a way that they can be inserted into new advertising media at any time with a single click. The final booking process also remains the same for all advertising media. And last but not least: such harmonised processes significantly improve the ability to display and evaluate local cross-media campaigns.

Bringing different project teams together in one place

Of course, our MMS also harmonises the workflows between different departments by bringing their work together in one place. The fact that those responsible for classic marketing, digital, retail marketing or after-sales hardly ever work together, at most sending a few Excel files and lists back and forth and getting annoyed that the others have started a campaign they didn’t know about, that still happens. But not with the brands that work with our platform! All marketing threads come together in our MMS for them. And at the end of the quarter, the company management receives an overview and measurable results with just a few clicks, this is also what harmonious processes look like.

Would you like to know more about how our MMS works? Then simply get in touch with us!

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    * Pflichtfelder