
Targeted and dynamic advertising with DOOH

Digital Screens in Local Retail Marketing

Digital out-of-home marketing is on the rise. According to market research institute Nielsen, gross DOOH advertising spending in Germany in Q2 2023 increased by 10% compared to the previous year, reaching EUR 248 million. Dynamic big screens offer significant advantages over traditional 18/1 posters and full columns, making them a popular choice among target groups. Local retailers can also benefit from this trend.

Advertising screens are ubiquitous in modern life, found in pedestrian zones, airports, supermarkets, and shopping malls. With around 135,000 digital advertising displays at over 44,000 locations in Germany, they offer maximum advertising impact. These screens display moving images that show product information, special offers, the latest football results, or the shortest route to the nearest shop. The targeting capabilities and agility of DOOH make it an attractive option in media planning. Programmatic technology allows brands to effectively reach their customers in their daily lives, such as displaying messages on city screens that interact with each other. Programmatic outdoor advertising benefits not only the brand but also offers local retailers enormous potential for a dynamic and targeted customer approach at important touchpoints. Digital screens play a significant role in this.

There are no limits to creativity as screens can be used for creating:

  • Display daily or weekly offers, tailored to the time of day, day of the week, or current weather,
  • Provide product background information,
  • Include information about the company, such as employee presentations or sponsored activities,
  • Advertise competitions and announce events,
  • Integrate regional and local news.

Relevant display advertising is eye-catching. Local retailers can use it to improve the shopping experience and strengthen customer proximity.

Suitable solutions for local digital advertising strategies

How can local retailers take advantage of DOOH when they have limited resources for creation and technical implementation, or lack relevant marketing expertise? socoto provides solutions for local digital advertising strategies, particularly for retailer networks. With the socoto digital module, advertising screens can be seamlessly integrated into the marketing mix of any local retail company. The marketing management system provides retailers with two options: they can either use the group’s campaigns on their screens or create their own content. Digital templates make this process easy for all digital channels simultaneously. This saves resources and time when filling social media channels and in-house screens with content. For those who wish to use external digital advertising space in the regional environment, such as on public transport or in nearby supermarkets, socoto offers corresponding DOOH marketer packages.

Our goal is to simplify creation and booking, and to provide local retailers with the opportunity to fully utilise the potential of DOOH. Placing messages in the appropriate location and time and reaching customers in real-time has a significant impact on the local environment. The most important aspect is ensuring that it fits into everyday life.

Contact us now to begin targeted DOOH marketing!

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